Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Classic (4)

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme that runs from Friday to Thursday in which bloggers answers a book-related prompt. It’s a great way to provide some insight into yourself and introduce yourself to some great new blogs.

Today marks my triumphant return to the BBH meme. Where has it been? Well, it’s still been going on. I just didn’t feel particularly engaged with the questions the past few weeks. But this week, I am. And your girl is ready to starting hopping.


Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


I like to describe this book as the story of a collection of assholes ruining each other’s lives. In fact, there’s an incredibly apt Tumblr post that describes it as such:

Wuthering Heights is basically a book about a group of awful people who all made a secret promise to ruin as many lives as possible before they fucked off and died. And by the end, Heathcliff won with a 50-point lead.”

It’s basically Victorian-era It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I love it.

This book is often sold as a romance, but it’s really not. Sure, Cathy and Heathcliff are in love with each other. When they’re young, they have a swoon-worthy romance. But then they grow up and are literally the two worst people in the world. I’d say they deserve each other, but I’m not sure they do.

I was originally supposed to read this book in AP English in high school, but I didn’t. I faked my way through that unit. However, when I took a Victorian Lit class in college, it was once again assigned reading. And this time I gave it a chance. And, as you well know, I fell in love with it.


Ally from Ally Writes Things discussed cancel culture in the book community.

Aurora from Aurora Librialis started a new feature called The Female Gaze with a post about mothers and daughters in fiction.

Louise from Foxes and Fairy Tales suggested some apps for book bloggers.

Vicky from Vicky Who Reads recommended books based on words from a random noun generator.

Do you like Wuthering Heights? What’s your favorite classic? Tell me about it in the comments!

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8 thoughts on “Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Classic

  1. Great review! I’ve heard great things about Wuthering Heights, so it’s definitely on my TBR. My current favorite classic has to be One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; super fun yet sad. 🙂

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